Esoteric Writings and Reference

Month: September 2023

Amtgard – Introduction to Spell List Theory

Editors note:
This document was originally written by Battlemasters Twilus Galeheart, Artorius Dragonwrit, and Yorick Ebonmoon, all of the Rising Winds. It was originally published on 4/24/23, under the v8.5.2 Spicy B ruleset.
The content of the text is presented here unaltered, except for minor formatting changes.

Introduction To Spell List Theory

Written by: Twilus Galeheart, Artorius Dragonwrit, and Yorick Ebonmoon.


This document serves as a guide to help newer players easily understand spell list construction, editing, and the theory behind it. Within, we will go into topics such as: must-have spells for the respective classes, making changes to a list based on your field experiences, common pitfalls to avoid, and so on.

Essentials will be the spells that we determine are good at almost anytime for almost any list. These abilities often have good spell point value and versatility. They are often core identity spells of the class.

Traps are what we will denote as low niche and often not worth adding to the list. Often requires a lot of teamwork or specific scenarios to have good use.  Usually, these will put crunch on your spell list in areas where you are strapped for points with essentials and other more viable spells.

Archetypes are often the power spike to certain spell lists that make abilities even more accessible. Archetypes can often dictate how you build a list and take some of the average spells to the level of essentials. These are often Archetype essentials and things you’ll want to take pending your Archetype.


How To Make an Effective Spell List: There’s not really a crazy secret to making a good spell list. The main thing you should be looking at to make a good spell list is a set of tools that will work best for the meta you’re playing in. Does your park have a lot of insubstantial? Take insubstantial counters. Does your park use a lot of iceball? Imbue shield, adaptive protection and choose subdual school, and be active with releases. This applies at all levels of play. Take what will give you a good set of counters for your usual opponents with a mix of what you find gives you success. 


How To Edit Your List: The key to making a successful list is testing it frequently and making smart changes that give you more of what you need and less of what you don’t. If you find yourself not needing as many of a spell, take some off and take more of a spell you find yourself using frequently. Repeat this every time you run it until it feels optimized and doing what you intended for the list to do. Make sure not to go overboard on too many of one spell, but also sometimes you’ll have to judge not to cut something that you didn’t use if it’s important to have on the list in a decent quantity. Go with your own judgment but this cycle should help you better your lists over time.


How To Theme Your List: Going into a list, you want to have an idea of what you want to do, this can be helped by picking an archetype, but doesn’t have to be. If you want to kill people with spells as a wizard per se, you would like to take something like lightning bolt to stop a target, and dragged below to kill a target stopped player. If you want to play a verbal bard that keeps people away from your team, you may want to take awe, shove, terror, and lost, as all of those make space for your team. If you wanted to play a fighty druid with self enchanted armor, you’d want to take avatar of nature, lycanthropy, stoneskin, attuned, poison, and the like. If you wanted to play a heavy support healer, you may want to go warder, take powerful protection enchants, and lots of release and greater release to keep teammates safe. It is important to have these lines of thinking when making a list to keep a consistent theme, and maintain synergy.

Key Terms

Spell point Value: This is an evaluation of what you get in return for your spell point. The value increases based on how much you can use the ability. Per life has higher value over refresh abilities. Chargeable abilities also increase value. 2 uses per point is also a value increase. A high value ability example would be Healer release which is 1 point for 2 uses, per life, charge times 3.

Charged: These are abilities that can be charged to be used again using the charge incantation. Some abilities are already charge x (X) or can be made chargeable using experienced.

Frontline: Frontline refers to playing at the front of the field where you will either pull the attention of the enemies frontline or midfield and be the first involved in attacks or defenses.

Skirmish: Skirmishing is when you have small engagements with small units. Often repeating this process over and over rather than slugging it out on the frontline with constant action.

Utility: This term is used to define spells that have more than one use and prove valuable to have in many different scenarios.

Crowd Control (CC): This is imparting state on enemies to create actions you want to make. Pretty synonymous with most games that have these types of effects.

Flanking: Finding the weak side of a team to break into the backline and cause chaos or death. 

Meta: A term describing what is most often played and winning in a given Park or Kingdom.

Charge and Cancel

Charge incantation and Cancel are two abilities that all caster have access to. Always make sure to learn how to cast both of these abilities and to purchase cancel on your spell list. Cancel costs nothing and should be something you add regardless of if you take enchantments or not. This is often referred to as the “Yorick Principal”. 



Confidence: A core ability already chargeable that gives support to your friends to bring back their chargeable abilities.

Restoration: The value of restoration can be very high. Making this rechargeable with experienced is highly recommended.

Mend: As a more frontline based caster class, mends are very useful for your support and offensive play.

Awe/Lost/Shove: Bard can make great use out of these per life space-making spells, having at least one of these 3 on a list is a must have.


Agoraphobia: As a 5th level per refresh spell that is of the command school, it has poor spell value and runs out quickly over longer games.

Amplification: This spell requires very specific planning on very specific strategies to be useful, and on your average bard list, it’s not valuable as a niche level 4 per refresh spell.

Song of Visit: This spell is mostly just a worse escape than song of survival, and locks you into an unsafe position. 

Discordia: This ability takes up your enchantment slot preventing you from casting your songs. The payoff of Discordia outside of certain game types is just not high enough despite it being five suppressions for a point. Immunity to command is pretty common and getting stuck with this enchantment on is going to be poor synergy in most builds. 

Combat Caster

Playstyle: This archetype allows you to cast without a free hand, giving you the unique ability to cast while fighting. You should be looking to stack equipment and combat songs to bolster your ability to frontline and skirmish when applicable. 

Spell Synergy:

Equipment: Armor, 1 Point (level 6 and/or level 2): Allows you to soak damage and trade better in melee engagements. While usually spell synergy is about spells and abilities, it is important for bard to take equipment to make certain builds work well. This is one of them.

Song of Interference: This song can save you from powerful spells when surprised in the midst of combat.

Song of Survival: A song that allows you to survive rough melee engagements and escape safely.

Ambulant: This allows you to move while casting, amplifying your ability to cast while fighting.

Swift: Very useful for quick releases or mends to keep you healthy during and in between fights.

Song of Freedom: This song can protect you from a lot of common states applied to people engaging in melee combat, allowing you to apply threat uncontested.

Song of Battle: Gaining armor breaking from this song allows you to go toe-to-toe with every class in melee combat other than warrior.

Mend: A necessity to take on an armored bard list, for self armor repair after close fights. Notably good to experience this spell on longer form games where you’re not always in the front.

Release: Useful to save yourself from a stopped or insubstantial state if caught unaware, or for general use on teammates.

Insult: Great spell to stumble a caster’s thought process and take their attention.


Playstyle: This archetype provides a playstyle that gives you larger control over the field at large through additional extensions.

Spell Synergy:

Extension: Your main tool on this build, choose key spells that gain extra utility at further ranges.

Insult: Great to use on casters trying to support in the backline to force them to have to target you and need a release from an ally.

Lost: Useful to stop people on far flanks and send them packing.


Playstyle: Dervish enables you to run heavy verbal builds with preferably less equipment, to either make space, crowd control, recharge allies, or suppress en masse. Dervish players can truly overtake a field with their voice.

Spell Synergy:

Stun: A great tool for setting up kills on key players, notably good because of the sorcery school.

Lost: Use this to take threats out of a fight or away from an objective.

Terror: Useful to keep specific players far away from your threat range or an objective. Especially useful due to it being a death school spell.

Suppress Aura: A medium length suppression that has a base 50ft range, great for shutting down casters before they make it into their effective range.

Break Concentration: Helpful for those clutch shutdown moments or take intro a melee engagement against another caster.

Awe: This tool is plentiful as a per life space making spell, never bad to have at least one.

Greater Release: An extremely useful tool to save allies at range, stop a fight after death, or elemental barrage. Helpful to grab a good handful of these.

Empower: Slightly more niche, but still a plentiful spell to have for focused recharge support builds.

Shove: A useful per life sorcery spell to keep people away and delay pushes through choke points.

Release: Always pertinent to have a good couple of these to save allies from CC, and getting double from Dervish helps you spend less points for more, or to have a plentiful amount.

Insult: A great tool to use on enemy casters to prevent them from affecting teammates or to force them off of supporting their allies.




Stoneform: Without question your best defensive ability for tanking or defending yourself as a support.

Iceball: Can be taken on any list a druid makes and is considered the strongest crowd control ball in our game currently.

Mend: Being able to mend the magic armor you give out, weapons, shields, or armor allies already wear is just a great way to support your team or yourself in the battlefield.

Icy Blast: This is a per life frozen spell that is arguably an auto take on any non-summoner list. There is no better crowd control than Frozen in the meta.

Heat weapon: A key component to verbal casting tools for Druid. Already a chargeable ability and your best tool against monks. 


Imbue Armor: This ability just doesn’t do enough without a lot of proper planning

Gift of Water: GoW looks cool on paper but has conflicts within it. You get heals, but you have magic armor as well. This is kinda counterintuitive requiring you to take wounds to use the second ability. This Spell is also taking up points from better options at level 4.

Regeneration: At level 3 this ability takes up valuable points away from other key abilities.

Gift of Earth: Just not a very useful enchantment most of the time without proper teamwork. Too many other key abilities at level 2. 

Flame Blade: This ability just eats up so many spell points for what it gives you. Bear Strength and gift of fire at level 3 are more effective 

Resurrect: This is just a major point sink at 5th level that usually just isn’t ever worth the investment.


Playstyle: Summoner is a strong enchanted archetype that loses ranged verbals and equipment past level 2. A summoner is looking to enchant and support the team and even has enchantments to apply to themselves. Mending, healing, and releasing become pivotal in supporting your team. 

Spell Synergy:

Naturalize Magic:This is your way of countering other enchanters and with a quick cast and 10 uses for 1 point. The value is insane and can put your team in major enchantment leads.

Ironskin: Magic armor and immunity to flame is very good for making classes like monk or others strong against their counters.

Stoneskin: Magic armor that is ancestral helps counter against balls and arrows.

Lycanthropy: This is a great enchant to give your casters that need to be immune to command. A solid enchant for Wizards and other classes that could use the armor.

Gift of Air: This makes caster classes have a lot of survivability against projectiles and normal weapons.

Golem: This enchant does a lot and can be considered the core of a summoner’s job. Usually used in unison with attuned or essence graft, this ability gives a ton of utility and most importantly makes all the bearer’s enchantments persistent.

Snaring Vines: This ability gives you cc at range without spell balls. This is important in a lot of scenarios especially if trying to help your frontline. Not always an auto take but a notable ability for sure.

Teleport: This can be used to safely position yourself on the battlefield or to move your Golem into hard to access areas to unleash a massive push or flank.

Attuned/Essence Graft: These abilities allow you to stack enchantments into powerful combinations offensively and defensively. They are key components for any summoner.

Poison: This is your only per life enchantment and gives your summoner list some longevity and a burner enchant you can give anyone.

Force Bolt: Underrated offensive capability for summoners to use. Basically thrown arrows.

Avatar of Nature

Playstyle: This archetype allows you to enchant yourself and become a stronger body for martial combat. The important part is making sure you have enough utility spells to go along with your self enchants. Avatars often find themselves helping with flanking attacks or pressuring frontlines with their armor and verbals.

Spell Synergy

Lycanthropy: Making yourself immune to command while having magical armor along with shield crushing. Making this enchant useful against casters and fighters alike.

Attuned: This is important for making sure you can have multiple enchants in scenarios where you need utility on top of your armor enchantments.

Poison: This is the enchant that gives you longevity on enchanting yourself in longer games.

Dispel Magic: Dispelling frontline without having to wear an enchantment with Naturalize is key here. Along with being able to add extension or ambulant to the incant to ensure it hits is solid.


Playstyle: Ranger is the equipment heavy caster. This also opens up the use of a bow which can really change how you need to position on the field. Rangers will sometimes double up on other archetypes but are versatile enough of one to have their own specified builds.

Spell Synergy

Equipment: All your equipment is now free, make sure to purchase your max of all.

Verbals: Many of the verbals in the essentials and other lists are super strong on ranger builds as well. 

Corrosive Mist: Despite this enchantment costing double. In certain formats, the three destroy armor spells you get from this can improve your ability to snipe someone in armor out or stab with a polearm.  Can be useful in other archetypes but sticks out in ranger lists as an almost hunter’s mark like ability.



Heal: The bread and butter of the class, it’s in the namesake and has infinite uses for Healer.

Resurrect: Great value at Charge x5 on a very impactful spell. Bring a teammate back to life? Yes.

Release: Healer’s release is 2/Life Charge x3. Great for saving teammates in sticky situations.

Greater Release: A very powerful and faster ranged release. Great for taking barbarians out of fight after death, wizards out of elemental barrage, or saving teammates from range. It can also remove the cursed state unlike basic Release, which is helpful to guarantee resurrects. Recommended to always experience this spell, as you can get it back through steal life or innate very easily.

Innate: Healer is the only caster with per life innate, making it extremely valuable for getting those good per refresh spells back.

Steal Life Essence: A great tool to recharge your spells, curse the enemy, or quickly heal yourself after a close fight.

Iceball: Immense value, one of the best hard crowd control spells in the game.


Ambulant: Very low value at a level 5 point and per refresh, healer is the only caster with ambulant as a per refresh spell. Outside of Priest, the points are just more valuable on other key abilities.

Greater Harden: Low value for a level 3 spell point, much better enchantment options available at, below, and above that level.

Greater Heal: You’ll very rarely come into situations where you’ll have a teammate get cursed, be alive, and have it be worth your spell points to take this spell.

Undead Minion: Once you’ve unlocked Greater Undead Minion at level 5, this spell becomes entirely obsolete.

Harden: There are so many other high impact level 1 spells to take that it isn’t worth your spell points.

Blessed Aura & Blessing Against Harm: These spells, while seeming impactful, would only really be useful on a warder build, and there are much better, longer lasting high value enchants at the levels these spells are accessible, so they just aren’t worth your spell points.


Playstyle: This archetype gives you a lot of rechargeability, specifically on your meta-magics. With this in your build, you are aiming to give quick support and micromanage a lot of chargeable spells to keep allies going in any way possible.

Spell Synergy:

Persistent: This spell is mostly a trap for priest, really only usable on Mass Healing, the Charge x3 aspect doesn’t do anything for you here, not great spell point value.

Ambulant: Priest is where Healer’s Ambulant shines, since it changes it from per refresh to per life. Useful for usage on Heal, Resurrect, Sever Spirit, Summon Dead, and Banish. The added Charge x3 here proves to be very useful.

Swift: Swift is great for quick Heals and Resurrects in clutch scenarios, the added Charge x3 here just makes it up all the more often.

Extension: Useful for Banish and Sever Spirit. The added Charge x3 doesn’t add too much value here.

Heal: It’s free now, so make sure to take it.


Playstyle: This archetype gives you rechargeability on a couple of spells, and allows you to use monks and other low armor + low ability players as cannon fodder to defend or heavily assault a location with numbers advantage. Can also be used as a tool just to have rechargeable Steal Life. 

Spell Synergy:

(Greater) Undead Minion: This allows you to create your cannon fodder. Useful for holding or sieging locations with constant pressure and numbers advantage. Necromancer allows you to have 5 active, instead of the normal 3, making the rechargeability provided here very useful, given you have enough players to enchant.

Steal Life Essence: Amazing spell, especially amplified to Charge x3. You can use it to chain curse a line of dead players by using the Steal Life to recharge itself, or get near infinite recharges given you recharge and find enough dead players. It can even be used to charge back the Greater Undead Minion on the person you’re casting it on. Sometimes it’s worth it to just take Necromancer and this spell for its amazing utility.


Playstyle: This archetype gives you a bunch of extra protection enchantments to work with, allowing you to bolster the defenses of your team through big high value enchants or many smaller value enchants. It heavily limits your access to crowd control spells however, giving you more of a true support style.

Spell Synergy:

Persistent: Useful for warders because it increases the longevity of your enchantments, not super useful against heavy dispel teams.

Ancestral Armor: A helpful enchant to take on occasion, more niche, very good for stacking on full kit scouts and Anti-Paladin Classes.
Protection From Magic- Great protection against heavy magic teams. Specifically against teams with a lot of spell balls and verbals

Phoenix Tears: Mainly notable here for the extra protection enchantment slot it gives. Be wary that this will make the person you give it to a more likely dispel target while they’re frozen by it.

Greater Resurrect: More valuable on a warder build because it keeps enchants on a resurrected player unlike basic resurrect.

Enlightened Soul: Great protection against teams with a heavy amount of verbal magic as opposed to spell balls.

Protection From Projectiles: Insane value against heavy archer or thrown weapon teams. Throw this on a squishy caster that’s being targeted by archers.

Imbue Shield: Great against teams with a lot of shield crushing effects and spell balls. Comes in at 4/Refresh as a warder too, so very good value.

Circle of Protection: A decent pickup on warder, gives an okay escape spell for you and a few teammates in dire situations. You can banish yourself or allies out of circle of protection for a safe escape.

Adaptive Protection: A nice spell to take a few of, gives specialized protection against problem schools your team may be facing.

Adaptive Blessing: A decent spell to pick up, being per life it has good value. Good to just hand out as extra help for skirmishers facing problem schools.

Blessing Against Wounds: Another good spell to hand out to skirmishers to help them survive melee combat, also quite valuable, being per life. 



Dispel Magic: You have debatably the most prevalent way of enchant removal in a game where enchantments are very powerful, at Charge x3 on a level 3 ability.

Break Concentration: The ability to remove another player’s casting, even for only 10 seconds, can make a lot of room for your teammates to push forward, or allow you to cast on other players for 10 seconds without the target punishing you.

Release: Not only is Release great at maintaining the health of your team, but is also very effective at maintaining your own personal ability to do your job, by keeping you out of Insubstantial, Lost, Stopped, etc.

Teleport: The offensive and defensive utility of this spell is superb. You can utilize it to throw a heavy hitter into a mob of people for a huge distraction, on yourself to flank, or Swift it on yourself as a method of escape when pressured.

Shove: Being Sorcery school, this ability has the power to make a player on the front line forcibly retreat from you, and is very rarely resisted.
Steal Life Essence- An all around excellent ability, this can allow you to immediately recharge an important ability such as Dispel, recover a lost limb after winning a trade, or can simply curse an opponent to make it so they can’t be resurrected nearly as easily.


Force Barrier: This may seem like a good escape akin to Druid’s Stoneform at a first glance, but upon further review, this leaves you in a very negative spot without the ability to counterplay, since you have to either rely on a teammate to end your state early, or are subject to whatever the other team may do in the next 30 seconds.

Ravage: The incant is clunky, and Fragile as a state is only loosely usable on many people, as a wounded target is already somebody who would be easier to defeat. The amount you receive may appear delightful, but the usability is very niche and the points are better spent elsewhere.

Destroy Armor: This spell actually is relatively usable, but the trap lies in its price per use- though it provides 2 per purchase, it is only usable per Refresh, and at 4th Level, where you begin to have access to some of the most powerful individual abilities in the Wizard list. 

Greater Mend: The middle-ground between an effective single Mend and the wildly powerful Word of Mending, Greater Mend just doesn’t fit the bill at the strenuous price tag it has, compared to just more Mend.

Planar Grounding: Much like Destroy Armor, the problem keeping Planar Grounding from being strongly usable is its frequency- it is again only a per Refresh ability. It is good, but only usable so many times per game, effectively.


Playstyle: The unique part of all of the Wizard archetypes is that they remove a major and strong portion of your usable and strong abilities, to give you access to an also very strong utility in brute force. With Battlemage, a single purchase of Ambulant makes Ambulant usable an infinite amount of times, but removes your ability to provide amazing Enchantments for support, as well as the incredibly strong CC of spell balls. This is great for maintaining hyper-mobility for the caster always on the go, as you can use Ambulant on literally every verbal you cast, allowing you to chase down skirmishers, continue to move while Teleporting to safety, and even begin casting your support abilities such as Release before you are in range of your target.

Spell Synergy:

Release: Being able to begin casting Release for your Frozen teammate before you are on top of them and continuing to move around them to avoid fire allows you to play far more defensively while maintaining your team’s ability to fight.

Dispel Magic: When you begin to cast Dispel on most targets with valuable enchantments, they often tend to try and avoid it. With your Ambulant being unlimited, you cannot be punished for at least attempting to chase them to complete your spell and remove those pesky Flameblades and Ancestral Armors.

Heat Weapon: Removing melee weapons from the equation can allow you to remove threats without expending spells of a much higher level, and this is certainly relevant while either running at or away from targets.

Shove: Being able to run at somebody and force them to run, or prevent them from chasing you, provides excellent mobile space-making.

Astral Intervention: A secret technique in Battlemage is to casually be casting an Astral Intervention on yourself so you can choose to end it should you need to remove yourself from melee, but it also is a very valuable CC.

Hold Person: If you can keep moving and casting while your opponent can’t chase you, it’s almost as effective for verbals as them being Stunned.

Throw: This spell single-handedly removes a whole player from encounters around them for a long duration of time

Dimensional Rift: Chasing down Teleporters or Blinked Assassins that can’t end their Insub near you and forcing them to die is incredible to remove flankers, and also will remind them to stay away.

Icy Blast & Shatter: Mentioning these two together is important- a whole engine of Sorcery CC and kill spells is wild. It is so difficult to be immune to Sorcery and it is easy for you to remove this immunity, force them to be unable to do anything, and kill them for being in that state.

Wounding: Wounding has many uses amplified by chasedown potential, such as wounding running targets to prevent their speed, removing limbs to prevent combat, or removing the ability to fire arrows for bow users.

Finger of Death: Unlike Warlock or generalist builds, FoD on Battlemage is excellent as a strong threat; you can make people run away by starting to cast at them


Playstyle: The sacrifice Evoker makes is, well, all of your verbal versatility, in order to use spell balls at a ludicrous frequency. Evoker does one thing, but it does it very well- you throw spellballs without having to first cast them. This is for both your CC balls, as well as your damage balls. It is notable that due to the nature of how this works, you can even continue to throw your spellballs while you are suppressed; the wording and intent of Elemental Barrage is that you have cast one ability to use spellballs- they are active without actually having been cast.

Spell Synergy:

All Spellballs: Most of your list should be Evoker, Elemental Barrage, and your cavalcade of spell balls. All spell balls become much more useful when you no longer have to incant the ball name. Iceball is powerful CC you can machine gun, and Force Bolts are a barrage of magical beams you can launch en masse. Phase Bolt ignores enchantments and punishes Monks. Sphere is a black void of death.

Innate + Steal Life Essence: Of note: when you die, Elemental Barrage ends, but since you can charge it, you can use SLE to regain your use of Elemental Barrage. Being able to quickly reapply your primary function is pretty nice!


Playstyle: Warlock foregoes a huge portion of your utility to power to amplify your abilities as a death machine, and quite literally. Warlocks cannot dispel people, and their only suppression ability is locked behind a somewhat niche spell ball that deals no extra damage. However, their ability to utilize their doubled Flame and Death school verbals is absolutely ludicrous. The natively charged Wounding, the extra Fingers of Death, extra Pyrotechnics and Heat Weapon, etc. Sometimes an ability which is bad elsewise is made very good due to the nature of the amplifier, as well. 

Spell Synergy:

Heat Weapon: The sheer amount of this spell you can have makes this strategy absurd. It’s very strong against any player not immune to Flame and very cost efficient in this archetype. 

Ravage: Despite the clunky incantation, each purchase of this ability on Warlock gives you 4 uses per life. Given the Warlock restrictions, this is a very solid choice if you opt not to take a large amount of spell balls. This also sets up a kill-combo with Wounding.

Dragged Below: While your verbals are limited, your spell balls are not! Being able to Stop opponents with your CC balls, and follow up with your multiplied Death-school kill combo is a great built-in death machine, as well as letting you take advantage of the Stopped state inflicted elsewise, such as Healers or Assassins.

Wounding: Already natively chargeable, Wounding being more usable alongside a viable kill combo and the other uses for wounding opponents gives this far more value.

Pyrotechnics: Being natively 50’, this spell has a huge range. Getting double is more instances where a combat class no longer has their equipment to fight you back, outside of Flameblade. Even a per refresh ability can be made far more usable with the right setup in Warlock, akin to Dervish.

Steal Life Essence: Being able to charge your abilities more or recover your limbs, or simply Curse enemies, is always good. SLE provides much more sustain to you and your team.

Finger of Death: For a maximum of 8 guaranteed deaths if used correctly, doubling your 6th level spells is an absolutely huge win. It’s very simple- more death to the bad team, more win for the good team.

Amtgard Support Casting

Editors note:
This document was originally written by Battlemaster Twilus Galeheart of the Rising Winds, and was presented as part of a battlegaming class taught at Battlecry 2023, Grand Duchy of Midgard. The text was published on 9/4/23, during the v8.5.3 Saucy ruleset. The content of the text is presented here unaltered, except for minor formatting changes.

Support Casting

Written by: Battlemaster Twilus, and taught in person at Battlecry 2023 alongside Battlemaster Snaps, and Battlemaster Migal



Becoming the best support you can involves choosing the playstyle that is right for you. If you aren’t a good shot, you may wanna stay away from bow or spellball support builds until you put some time into target practice. If you aren’t the most athletic or good at fighting, you may wanna stay away from flank support builds or midline support builds until you can more consistently come out on top in physically demanding engagements. Choose a style you are most comfortable with and try mastering it to the best of your ability.

Support Basics

Field awareness

  • Timeliness
    • React to your goals in a way that is efficient. Your release and resurrections should cut the times in half at least to be efficient.
    • Use downtime to recharge spells and prepare spellballs.
  • Auditory/visual cues
    • Listen for threatening spells you can either prevent or fix after they resolve.
    • Listen for states being called by allies or enemies.
    • Look for open hands/charged spellballs/enchantment strips.
    • Pay attention to things you can fix or disable within at least 50 feet.
  • Be proactive 
    • Ask allies and enemies what states they are in at all times.
    • Be ready to save allies as soon as you notice them being cast/engaged on.
    • Ask enemies what enchantments they have before every engagement.
    • Ask enemies for their armor values.
    • Ask for the enemy’s active ongoing effects or charged spellballs.

Spell selection

  • Cost effectiveness
    • Use per life spells in situations where per refresh spells would be overkill.
    • Use spellballs in situations where you can get a guaranteed hit vs a ranged spell.
    • Use rechargeable spells in situations where you’ll have downtime after the engagement.
  • Time management/economy
    • Use ranged support in situations where you don’t have time to support with touch spells.
    • Use swift in situations where you don’t have time to get the whole incantation off.
    • Use ambulant in situations where you need to get a touch spell off on someone far away.
    • Use innate to get back a spell that will save someone in a clutch situation to avoid the charge time.

Target priority

  • Immunity/enemy class knowledge
    • Best tip: Know the Rulebook like the back of your hand, knowledge is power!
    • Be aware of common immunities that aren’t default on a class and common on the fields you play on. (ie: AON Druid with lycanthropy is immune to command.)
  • Player skill priority (allied or enemy)
    • Use your disabling spells on the enemy players that are most threatening in a given engagement first.
    • Use your release, heals, resurrects, and mends on the allied players who will be most useful to you in a given engagement first.

List building

  • Have enough tools for the job (spell minimums)
    • When playing a support build, make sure you have enough of a spell for it to be effective on your list (ie: as a support, always have at least 2 releases.)
  • Spell versatility
    • Make sure to have a diverse set of schools of magic on your list so you have enough different tools for the various situations you will encounter, and to avoid common immunities where possible. (ie: don’t stack too many spells of a single school of magic, take both spellballs and verbals where applicable.)
  • Cost effectiveness
    • Take more per life spells in games where you will have short death timers and a nearby respawn.
    • Take more powerful per refresh spells in games where you need strong magic power to win objectives.
    • Take more rechargeable spells and spells you can experience in games that will go longer and have a good amount of recharge downtime.


  • Shot calling
    • Call out people you have applied states on. 
    • Inform allies to take advantage of space you’ve made.
    • Spot out flanks and inform your team of incoming threats.
    • Make your team aware of important information in general, as a support you have the widest view of the field and have time to gather info for the team.
  • Get in there
    • As a support, as long as you don’t put yourself in too much danger, get into melee combat where possible to try and open up shots for your melee fighters and tie up your opponents by forcing them to block or mess with their footwork by putting them between your ally and yourself. 
    • (Trading your life to take limbs or players out and reset your per lifes can be a major boon to helping your team on pushes simply by existing. Never just take a death or have an ally kill you to get your per life abilities back when possible.
  • Morale boosting
    • When your teammates make good plays, help them out and tell them they’re doing a good job, morale boosting is a very underrated part of teamwork.

Class choice

  • Game vs. team composition class selection
    • There’s a big difference between picking your class based on the game type vs. picking the class to fit into a given team composition. It’s important to recognize the difference between picking based off of a game type vs. what a team comp needs. (ie: you may pick a bard with a lot of space control spells for a capture the flag game to defend your flag vs. picking bard to fit into a team comp that needs recharge spells to function for a specific task.)
  • Playstyle selection vs. class selection
    • Picking a class doesn’t necessarily lock you into a playstyle. Oftentimes it’s more so that teams are lacking a playstyle rather than a specific class. You can play a backline support playstyle as any caster and be effective in that role, same goes for midline, flank support, pocket support, and sometimes even off-tanking. You can play the style you want to play in a given game no matter what caster class you choose, in most circumstances.


  • Backline
    • Backline positioning is all about supporting your team from the rear and taking spells that help against flanks and provide lots of general support. This is also where a lot of enchanter builds like to position, but not all enchanter builds fit here.
    • Useful spells you should have for this playstyle are releases, mends, heals, and resurrects. Other useful tools include dispel, minor crowd control spells, banish, greater release, and other things to help you deal with small flank skirmishes.
  • Midline
    • Midline positioning is all about being the centerpoint of the team, supporting your frontline and helping them push or hold locations while keeping a watchful eye on your backline and weak points in your line to support at a moment’s notice. This is where a lot of your heavier crowd control builds like to play.
    • Useful spells you should have for this playstyle are a good amount of general support like release, heal, mend, and the like, while making more room for crowd control spells that disrupt and disable the enemy to give your team positional advantage, this style needs to have as diverse of a set of magic schools as possible due to common immunities on frontliners and the likelihood that enemies will be enchanted, also requiring a good source of dispel if your build allows it. Keep your frontliners healthy, assist them in combat and keep your team grounded.
  • Pocket
    • Pocket support is mostly for very specific games where you have a certain player in mind, that you are likely enchanting to make them very powerful. The style can vary depending on caster but you often are tied to their hip and keeping them out of danger and helping them take down targets wherever you may be positioning on the field, either midline or flanks.
    • Useful spells for this style can vary greatly, but you usually want some general support spells along with very focused stuff to help the person you are supporting in specific, as well as specific enchantments for the build idea you are running. It is typically quite open ended, and has room for some more exotic choices.
  • Flank Support
    • Flank support is less niche than pocket, but isn’t the most common build. This style runs on the side with powerful flankers, taking tools that allow you to break through flanks and keep your flankers safe while assisting them in combat.
    • Useful spells for this style are hard crowd control, spells that give your team a quick safety net in one way or another, disrupt enemy fighter’s equipment or positioning, anything to win engagements fast, and most importantly, equipment.
  • Range control
    • Knowing the threat range of your spells and making sure you’ll be able to finish a spell cast at a given range.
    • Casting spells at players outside of range to prevent them from advancing on you without finishing the spell as to not expend it.
    • Making sure you are close enough to allies to save them if you have ranged support to assist. (ie: staying within 20 ft of an ally if you have greater release in case they get crowd controlled.)
  • Life Management/Self Preservation
    • Depending on the support style you are playing, sometimes you need to be less risky than other builds because the threat of you being alive is what is preventing the enemy from spamming a lot of hard crowd control spells and wiping your team. This is especially true for most healer builds. Position safely where necessary.

Class Specific Support Skills


  • Swift management/Rez management
    • As a healer, you need to make sure you aren’t using swift on your resurrects unless it’s absolutely necessary to, if you use them in situations where it wasn’t required you will often run into situations where the only way you could have gotten a rez off was if it was swift-ed, and you have none left. This is still somewhat true for priests as well but on priest your swift is more limited in scope. Swift responsibly healers.
  • Rezbot Respawn target priority (communication)
    • As a healer, make sure to use your spawn resurrects on other healers and potentially monks first, to aid you in bringing the team back up, and bring people up first who will give your team the most impact when they’re alive.
  • Summon Dead + Rez interaction
    • With summon dead, the summoned target doesn’t stop moving until they reach you no matter how you, the healer, move after it’s been cast. You can use this to summon them and move back and start the rez before they reach you to avoid using swift. Most commonly on a priest, with a more accessible ambulant, you can summon dead and ambulant the rez as they’re following you.
  • Charge micromanagement
    • Healer has a lot of base rechargeable abilities especially as a priest build or a necro build. Make sure you are very commonly abusing downtime to recharge your plethora of rechargeable abilities on healer. But don’t avoid your duties as a healer to charge unless the spell you specifically need it out and needs charged.
  • Necromancer positioning
    • Necromancers need to be very aware of threats on the field and not taking too many risks because when they die, all of their Greater Undead Minion enchantments fall off, make sure to position safely and be wary of ranged projectiles being sent your way.
  • Experienced Greater Release
    • As healer, experiencing greater release is a must, it gives you very consistent and powerful ranged support that you can easily get back with per life innate or per life steal life essence if you’re running priest, as priest will prevent your innate from being used on greater release.


  • Proactively recharging allies
    • As a battery bard make sure you are constantly asking your allies if they need anything recharged.
  • Tempo
    • Bard is the class that has to rely on making plays to gain tempo the most, which, in shorter terms, is using powerful spells you have a limited amount of early to gain a lead in shorter game types or games with an objective that can end the game early.
  • Spacemaking/Zone Control
    • Bard can use lots of spells that make it easy to manipulate enemy movement. You can use Awe, Terror, Shove, and Lost to make enemies move from a given location to make space for your team and control an area.
  • Looking for opportunity to attack
    • As Bard gets access to worn armor and songs that augment your combat abilities, bard can look for more opportunities to look for engagements for melee combat than other casters when using the build for it.
  • Proper Song use
    • It’s important for a bard to get used to switching between multiple songs quickly, often referred to as “Song Juggling”. (ie: noticing someone is approaching you with an iceball so you turn on song of freedom to tank it, then you notice an archer positioning to shoot you so you quickly switch to song of deflection.)
  • Suppression
    • Since Bard has dervish, you can stack verbals very high, and bard can take the largest stock of suppression if they build for it, which given the right game type can be a very effective build.
  • Sleight of Mind
    • If you find free space on your build, consider picking up sleight of mind, it is an underrated support spell and being able to passively prevent dispel can be very handy.


  • Enchantment choice/economy
    • When running an enchantment build, make sure to cater to the most useful style of enchantments for the given team and game type. If playing a support summoner, consider taking a balanced set of enchants that include important ones for specific players you know won’t likely lose their enchants easily, and another set that includes some more throwaway enchantments like druid’s poison since it is per life, or even a couple of barkskin.
  • Naturalize Magic
    • As a support druid it is imperative to take naturalize magic because you have access to the most frontloaded set of dispel in the game to restore the balance of the game by burst dispelling several targets in quick succession.
  • Offtank/Distract/Peel/Aggro
    • Avatar of Nature builds are very good at filling a flanker or offtank role and pulling aggression away from your team through trickery with teleport and stoneform. With the added help of magic armor, various crowd control spells, and good melee equipment you can waste several enemies’ time and allow your team to make plays elsewhere.
  • Informed enchanting
    • Make sure to know your allies and give your high value enchants to players that are most likely to get value out of them and can avoid getting dispelled.
  • Bow support
    • A more niche druid build, however you can tie up melee users with your ranged support, break weapons with arrows and force bolts, and support with this more unique style.
  • Mending
    • Druid is the caster that has the most mending tools in the game so it is important to take a good handful when playing support, and even consider experiencing greater mend. When mending armor that needs more than 2 points of damage repaired it is more efficient to use greater mend to repair it.


  • Support Hybrid
    • Wizards can very easily fit in a good few support spells into their builds while still having a functional core of a more aggressive build around it, and can often fill multiple roles in a given game.
  • Applying Various States
    • Wizard is the caster that can most consistently and practically apply the most states to enemies so they can take on scenarios in many different ways and should account for that.
  • Immunity Avoidance
    • Wizard has access to a large collection of spells with different schools, and can get around enemy immunities with ease, so be sure to take a diverse set of spells.
  • Toolbox
    • An archetype-less wizard has access to many many tools and is often the best way to play support wizard with a mix of spellballs, verbals, a couple enchantments, and many tools for different scenarios.
  • Most Accessible Dispel
    • Wizard’s dispel is charge x3 by default, which makes it quite easy to get back, and therefore you should take it on any wizard build you can as you will likely be getting called on for dispelling targets a lot of the time, and rightfully so.
  • Equipment Manipulation
    • Wizards have spellballs that destroy equipment, Heat Weapon, Shatter Weapon, Pyrotechnics, and Destroy Armor, which all assist in equipment destruction or disabling. This playstyle can be quite powerful and is known as a “Disruptor” or “Disabler” support style.
  • Player Displacement
    • Wizard is very good at making people move with shoves and throws,as well as astral intervention into banish. Try out a build like this alongside battlemage and you’ll find it to be a very effective support.
  • Void Touched/Enchanter
    • Wizard has a couple of high power enchantments that are worth protecting, and you can play wizard as a pocket support for someone with Void Touched and keep them enchanted by suppressing dispellers.


  • Heal/Release/Tracking/Dispel
    • A little nod to scouts here, you have a lot of support tools for various situations, and keep in mind you can fill support roles especially on flanks and midline.
    • All of these abilities are extraordinary, which makes them incredibly unique in the fact they can support void touched and pro mag players. This also means they can do so while fighting, as they wont need a free hand.

Advanced Tech

  • Incantation timing/manipulation
    • Changing the pace at which you are casting a spell to throw off an enemy’s timing or doing so to make sure an ally reaches you in time to receive the support of a touch spell.
  • Spell Threat (free shove)
    • Casting a powerful spell at someone with the intention of not finishing it, often causing them to move back, essentially giving you a free shove.
  • Swift Spellballs
    • An underrated use of swift to quickly get out a spellball to dispatch targets who get too close.
  • Greater Release Interactions
    • Preemptively casting greater release on a barbarian before they die and changing the pace of your spell to remove their activated fight after death as soon as possible.
    • Freezing a wizard in elemental barrage with an iceball and greater releasing them but only removing the effect of elemental barrage and keeping them frozen since greater release allows you to leave on states of your choosing.
  • Heal/Rez last line
    • You can convert a heal or rez into the other spell because they are the same incantation until the last line.
  • Insult
    • Insulting an enemy support as a form of your own support to prevent them from casting support spells on their allies.
  • Priest Ambulance
    • Since priest ambulant is so much more plentiful you can use the heal/rez last line trick while moving to run to someone in need, in an anticipatory fashion.
  • Battlemage Positioning Baiting
    • As a battlemage since you never have to stop moving while casting, you can often miss-position yourself as a bait and get enemies to over commit to ruin their positioning and punish them for it.
  • Ambulant Support spells
    • A very underrated use of ambulant, to use it with release as someone is being cast on, especially as a battlemage wizard, to save them just as the enemy spell lands.
  • Insub shenanigans
    • Using your own spells to go voluntarily insubstantial, such as with lost or astral intervention + banish, allows you to use them as off the wall escapes in desperate scenarios.
  • Spellball tech
    • Just a tip to build good spellballs. Make sure they have a good weight and a short tail to make sure they fly true and don’t get pulled by the wind as much.
  • State stacking
    • Comboing either the stopped or stunned state into a different harder crowd control to make things easier to land in scenarios where you are against a nimble opponent you want to disable.
  • Wounding legs or arms to disable
    • As a bow support you can shoot the legs of someone who is running, or the free hand of a caster to prevent a cast. You can also do the same thing as a wizard with wounding.
  • Stun griefing
    • If you stun an armored target, you should ask their armor points and hit them exactly enough times to remove all of their armor, and then leg them. That way they are very damaged and will likely have to take a death at their own discretion, which will force them to lose persistent enchantments.
  • Elemental barrage spellball combos
    • You can use specific orders of spellballs on targets while in elemental barrage to make the most use out of your spellballs. (ie: enemy caster with a shield and no armor should be hit with a lightning bolt or entangle to stop them and then 2 fireballs in a row to make sure their shield is destroyed and then they receive a wounds kill hit)
  • Touch release swift trick
    • When touch releasing an enemy, you can stop casting it after the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd line to begin casting it again but with a swift to throw off their timing.
  • Self shove heart of the swarm
    • While in heart of the swarm, even though you are stopped you can actually shove yourself to move around 20 ft at a time, which can help with repositioning the now mobile respawn.
  • Precasting
    • Casting a spell preemptively before it is needed to finish it right as it is needed, this has many many applications. (ie: casting release behind someone who is being awed to save them from the upcoming forced movement.)
  • Support shielding
    • As a class with resurrect, using your shield to cover the torso of your dead teammate to ensure they don’t immediately die to an arrow after they are brought back to life.
  • Drawstring dagger
    • Crafting a dagger with a drawstring that can attach to your wrist in some fashion so you can drop it while still having it on your person as a sword and dagger caster to free up a hand for casting.
  • Take 0 Costs
    • Always make sure to buy cancel, free heal on healer priest, and all equipment you can as a ranger druid.

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